Filatèlia Trafalgar is registered with CIF A 58030560 Prot.4666 the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, F40 T.6543 L.5826, secc.2a, Soc, H76597, INSCO. 1st. and has its registered office at:
Ronda Sant Pere 62-08010 Barcelona (Spain)

All images are the property of
Filatèlia Trafalgar© and are only illustrative of the different products in any way images are contractual and the company reserves the right to modify the color, shape and/or packaging.

This website has been created by Martí and Andreu Minoves in collaboration with Josep Aristoy using PrestaShop™ open source solution .


All data that the user/customer of this site to provide us at the moment of placing orders, as well as those obtained from browsing Filatèlia Trafalgar's website will be incorporated into an automated file of personal data created by Filatèlia Trafalgar. This file, which is under the responsibility of Filatèlia Trafalgar is created with the only purpose and aim of offering a more efficient and improved comercial realtionship for users/clients of our webshop.

The user/client may accept the inclusion of these browsing data, and from those derived from the completed forms and also the commercial relationship established between the company and the client, in the so-called data file property of Filatelia Trafalgar. At the same time, the company undertakes to maintain the privacy of the data and not to transfer, sell or share such data with third parties without the consent of the user/client.

At any time, the client may access, consult, rectifiy, delete and/or change the way their data is stored in the terms that are recognized and specified by the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, of Protection of Personal Data, and in EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and that one of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR). The user may use these rights by sending a signed notification to the company through the usual contact methods.